Become a Falconer
Falconer - a person who keeps or trains falcons.
Foothills Falconers provide monthly support which helps keep and train our Falcons in grades K-12. Financial support from our Falconers helps offset the costs of academic programs, school activities, facility needs and more.
Donors who make a monthly donation of $10, $25, $50, or $100, join the ranks as a Foothills Falconer and have a unique opportunity to watch our Falcons soar!
From the classroom to the athletic competitions, our Falconers fly with us.
Falconer Benefits
Falconers are important partners and assist us with our mission to provide a Christ-centered education that values exceptional academics, strong moral character, and service to others. All donations and contributions made by Falconers are tax-deductible. These perks are simply a way for us to say Thank You to our Falconers and provide them an opportunity to be a part of the growth and experiences of our students.

Supporting Businesses
Several local businesses support Foothills throughout the year. The following are businesses who proudly support Foothills and provide perks for our Falconer Members. Members can redeem awards by presenting their digital membership card at the following locations throughout the 2022-23 school year.

2024-2025 Falconers
Don & Mary Clayton
Cindee Erkenbrack-Holland
James & Heather Gowers
Chris & Melissa Graham
Jacque Kost
Landon & Kerri Koteskey
Brion & Meleea Lindseth
Patrick & Helen Lewis
Martin & Susan McLean
Chase & Melissa McQuillen
James Nichols
Dr. Michael & Stacey Sheffield
Joe & Katrina Stark
Victory Church
Debby Wiggers